Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pirates & Treasures

Oh yeeeee...you little kiddies.
Off your beds and down to mischief I see.
My treasures, my precious treasures, you seek.
With your horrid guns and eye-glasses, too weak.

You may look and you may dig.
With my maps, you may seek.
But don't you think that you will ever feel
These treasures of mine, in your hands, you WIMPS!!!

Hehehehehhe....OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!, I say!

So anyway, we had a little role-playing with the treasure maps they drew. With little surprises like eye-patches, rifles and pirate hats thrown in. Thought it was a rather fun English lesson.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dragon Kiln

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our Acrostic Poems!!!

Sunny, sunny, sunny day
Under the hot sun during the day
Never will be cold in the day.

Dean is my friend
Everyone likes him
Anyone who meets him
Never will scold him.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Synthesis Rules! (who, that, which)

Hi guys! Just a little note in case some of you did not have enough time to copy the rules that we discussed and learned about today.

These rules are particularly for combining sentences using the conjunctions who, which and that. Remember: 'who' is used to refer to people only.

Rule 1:
Find the common noun in both sentences (i.e. find the noun that is repeated).

Rule 2:
Make the noun that you have identified in Rule 1 the Subject of your combined sentence. You should thus start the combined sentence with this noun followed by the conjunction given.

Common Noun + that/who/which + phrase 1 + phrase 2

Rule 3:
In some cases, one of the phrase identifies the Subject. In this case, this identifying phrase should be written first.

Common Noun + that/who/which + identifying phrase + phrase 2

That's it! Do remember these rules during your exams!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Reading Quiz Instructions

Hi guys! Do rememeber to borrow at least one Star Reader books from the special shelf in the library and complete the Reading Quiz on it. Here are the instructions:

1. Log on to http://ren.learncraft.net/yumin
2. Log in with your
username: (bc number)
password: password
3. Click 'Take A Quiz'
4. Click 'Take A Rading Practice Quiz'
5. Type the title of your book
6. Click the title shown in the list
7. Complete the quiz

You may log on with your home computer and go to the school's lab to complete your quiz. Have fun! Hope your results will improve!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adventures In Space

Hi guys! I'm sure you find the current unit that we are learning for English especially interesting. But since none of us work at NASA and are not quite able to imagine what outer space is like, I have included a list of movies about adventures in space that you may like toi watch. This will help you to visualise and imagine what is out there in that huge, unknown area we call Outer Space.
Do take note that these movies are fictitious and parts of the story line have been made up by the movie writers....but at least you get to imagine what Earth and Mars look like from space.
Movie List:
Mission To Mars
Apollo 13 (Based on a real incident)
Star Trek

Here's the ending of Mision To Mars that Elroy found (with the real dialogue)

Thanks, Elroy!

And here's a documentary on Apollo 13. Watch this to find out what really happened to the space shuttle...

(There are 5 videos altogether)

A lot more videos about Science and Space can be found here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

There's Hope!

Hi 3C dearies! I read in some of your blogs that you were very sad when we did not win anything during Sports Day. It's ok. We had fun, didn't we?
Nevertheless, just like some of you who have improved in your CA2 as compared to your SA1 (like Fareesha and Hazwani...), we can still work hard and hope for even better results in the recent Netball Tournament. The results will be out next week and let's pray that we'll at least do better. After all, we did score some goals...right, Dr Daniel?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home-Based Learning

This post is going out to those on sick leave who need to access HBL on http://www.lead.com.sg/ (especially Jason Dear).

Jason, try to recall the steps I went through the other day.
2. Log in with your id and password.
3. Go to 'My Forum'
4. Click on 'My Forum'
5. Click on 'Learning Activities'
6. Click on 'P3 HBL Term 3 Week 5'
7. You should see this:

8. When you click on the subject link, you need to type in the HBL id and password that I told you. (You can find this on the school website under HBL guide)
9. Then Open or Save the documents.
PS: Today's English assignment requires you to learn about commas and planning a folk tale.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We'll Miss You!!!

We at 3C would like to wish Mr Muhd and Ms Lee Siew Yee a very Happy Birthday each. Also farewell wishes to Ms Steffi and Mr Muhd.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

America's and Australia's Indigenous People: Who and What are They?

Hi dear Pixies,

As an extension to what we learnt earlier on the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines, you may wish to read up some additional information about these two communities at Jason's blog.

I have also embedded these videos for your enjoyment.

This one is a music video of a group of Native American people with Native American music in the background. Do take note of their costumes and the musical instruments that are typical of their culture.

And the next video shows Australia's Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, apologising to the Aboriginal Stolen Generations.

How do you feel about the Australian Aborigines were treated in the past and about the Prime Minister's apology to them?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Writing Tips

Hi Dearies!

I have read some of your reflections on the Advertisement lessons. Some good ones can be found here and here. The rest were pretty short and lacking in details, though.

So I thought I should remind you of the things that you should include when writing about an event, whether it is a journal entry, composition piece or a reflection. It is called the 4Wives and 1Husband (teeheehee), that is, the 4W and 1H. The diagram below shows what I mean.

Therefore, in your advertisement reflection, you could have included some of these details:

WHAT: A lesson on newspaper advertisement
WHERE: In class

WHEN: 3C English lesson with Ms Sri

WHY: To learn more about the ways advertisements persuade us.
HOW: We watched a TV advertisement about Nike first to learn about how Nike tries to persuade us. Then, we looked at a few newspaper advertisements to identify the main parts of a print advertisement (Product, image, tagline). We then tried to create our own advertisements with the products Ms Sri gave us.

You can also include a 'WHO".

There you go!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

It's So Frustrating!!!!

I have been trying and trying over the past week to post comments on your blogs but I can't seem to do so. I have played around with my template and the blog settings but to no avail. I even posted my problem on the Google Forum and their suggestion didn't help either.
Funny thing is, using this account, I can post comments on other blogs which use blogger's Classic template but not 3C pupils' ones which use the new templates. So does the problem lie with the settings on your blogs, oh dear 3C pixies (new name for all of you...hehehhe).
So can one of you please email me your blogger username and password (srinb@hotmail.com) so that I can look through your settings and html code? Don't worry, you can change your password after I'm done.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Potterheads UNITE!

It's 12.02 am on a Thursday, 16 of July 2009 and it's POTTER TIME!!!!!!!! The new movie's out today and I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT!!!!! Anyone of you thinking of watching it too?

Accio movie tickets!!!

And well errrrr.....although Harry's my bestest, bestest, bestest friend, I do really also like Oliver Wood. He's a great Quidditch player, isn't he?

Can't wait!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tough Start..

Oh lookeee!!! Look at the sidebar and you'll notice that I have found 3 other 3C peeps so far. It's been really difficult to find some of them as not all of them used their names in their blog addresses. So far, Elroy, Jing Lun and Daniel have joined Jannen in my sidebar. So do click on their links if you want to visit their blogs!!!

And why am I having such a difficult time commenting on their blogs??? Blogger always seems to have this problem. Sigh.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's us!


Hi 3C!!! I have started this blog for you.....so that all our blogs can communicate with each other. I hope you will enjoy blogging. I look forward to reading about your days and seeing some of your photographs. Enjoy!!!