Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adventures In Space

Hi guys! I'm sure you find the current unit that we are learning for English especially interesting. But since none of us work at NASA and are not quite able to imagine what outer space is like, I have included a list of movies about adventures in space that you may like toi watch. This will help you to visualise and imagine what is out there in that huge, unknown area we call Outer Space.
Do take note that these movies are fictitious and parts of the story line have been made up by the movie writers....but at least you get to imagine what Earth and Mars look like from space.
Movie List:
Mission To Mars
Apollo 13 (Based on a real incident)
Star Trek

Here's the ending of Mision To Mars that Elroy found (with the real dialogue)

Thanks, Elroy!

And here's a documentary on Apollo 13. Watch this to find out what really happened to the space shuttle...

(There are 5 videos altogether)

A lot more videos about Science and Space can be found here.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

There's Hope!

Hi 3C dearies! I read in some of your blogs that you were very sad when we did not win anything during Sports Day. It's ok. We had fun, didn't we?
Nevertheless, just like some of you who have improved in your CA2 as compared to your SA1 (like Fareesha and Hazwani...), we can still work hard and hope for even better results in the recent Netball Tournament. The results will be out next week and let's pray that we'll at least do better. After all, we did score some goals...right, Dr Daniel?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009